Commercial Painting Contractor in Commerce Twp.
Over 20 years of experience servicing Metro Detroit’s residents and business owners.
Commerce Twp. Commercial Painting Company You Can Trust
Searching for a high end, quality-focused commercial painting contractor in West Bloomfield?
Detroit Painting Pros is a family owned and operated commercial painting contractor serving business and commercial property owners in West Bloomfield and surrounding cities..
Repainting your commercial property is more than just a cost of doing business; it’s an investment. A new paint job will ad value to your commercial building, will add inject new energy in your business and improve your company’s image.
Fast & Easy Detailed Painting Quotes
A Locally-Owned & Operated Painting Company
Clean, Neat & Drug Free
On Time & On Budget
Fair & Transparent Pricing
On Time & On Budget
Professional painters with over 20 years of experience
Painting services for strip malls, restaurants, hotels, motels, steel buildings, gyms, religious institutions and more.
Professional interior and exterior painting for office spaces, executive suites and more.
Interior and exterior painting for apartment buildings, condo HOA and nursing home facilities.
Clinics, doctors offices, dental centers, urgent care centers and more using Low -VOC, No-VOC, antimicrobial and microbicidal paints.
Commercial Painting Services in Commerce and Nearby
Our line of commercial painting services encompasses power washing, exterior painting, interior painting, and color consultation, to name a few. If you’re looking for a commercial painter for your business or commercial building then you should get an estimate from Detroit Painting & Remodeling Pros.
The estimate will be clear, transparent and it’s free.
Listed below are our commercial painting services:
Interior Painting.
Exterior Painting.
Drywall painting and repair.
Repair & Installation of Molding.
Solutions for Painting Rusted Metal Doors.
Stucco Painting.
Brick Painting.
Wood Painting.
We paint the following types of commercial properties:
- Commercial buildings
- Office building painting
- Retail Painting
- Apartment and condo painting
- Nursing home painting
- Restaurant painting
- Hotel and hospitality painting
- Healthcare, medical and dental clinic painting
Our line of commercial painting services encompasses power washing, exterior painting, interior painting, and color consultation, to name a few. If you’re looking for a commercial painter for your business or commercial building then you should get an estimate from Detroit Painting & Remodeling Pros..
The estimate will be clear, transparent and it’s free.
Listed below are our commercial painting services:.
Interior Painting.
Exterior Painting.
Drywall painting and repair.
Repair & Installation of Molding.
Solutions for Painting Rusted Metal Doors.
Stucco Painting.
Brick Painting.
Wood Painting.
We paint the following types of commercial properties:
- Commercial buildings
- Office building painting
- Retail Painting
- Apartment and condo painting
- Nursing home painting
- Restaurant painting
- Hotel and hospitality painting
- Healthcare, medical and dental clinic painting
Service Areas in Commerce Twp
We serve the following zip codes in Commerce Twp: 48323, 48382, 48390, 48393
Contact us to receive a quick and free estimate.